ગુજરાતી શી રીતે લખશો?

I get lot of mails asking me how to start typing in Gujarati on computer. Here I will show you, step by step, how to start writing in Gujarati on your computer.

There are two ways to write Gujarati on your comptuter. In first method, you use one of the web-based tools to write. And, in seocond method, you set up your Windows XP computer so that you can write Gujarati in any program. First approch is quick, but second is more desirable.

First method : Use web-based tools.

There are two tools available. You just go to their site and start typing in Guajrati. It is that simple !

  1. Vishal’s Gujrati Pad
  2. Gujarati Tool at Hindini.com 

Second method: Setup your Windows XP comptuer to write in Gujarati.

Actually, it is very easy to your computer for writing in Gujarati. Only about 10 minutes worth of setup and you are ready to start writing in Gujarati. If you have older version of Windows than I strongly advice you to upgrade to XP for its language capabilities. So lets get started. Go to my webpage for full details.